Learning Design Bootcamp 2019


The Course Design Sprint (CoDesignS) Framework is a pedagogic method for designing and developing online and blended learning activities through design, prototyping, and testing ideas with academics, course developers and curriculum/learning designers in an experiential way.

The pedagogic composition of this framework is based on the Course Design Sprint Framework (CoDesignS) developed at the University of Liverpool and the Blended Learning Design Framework (BLENDT) developed at Imperial College London (Morton et al, 2016; Toro-Troconis et al, 2016; Toro-Troconis & Aleksiev, 2018; Toro-Troconis et al, 2019).

Online course design – Best practice


This short online course freely available on Udemy, explains in detail how CoDesignS works: CoDesigns: Learning Design in Practice

Phase I

The first phase in the application of the pedagogic framework makes use of the learning domains (psychomotor, cognitive and affective), in order to allocate and classify the learning outcomes required within the specific learning activities (Bloom, 1956). According to the framework, the more focused the learning outcomes are on developing attitudes and high‑order cognitive knowledge (conceptual and metacognitive), the more the learning activities fit a collaborative approach. The more focused the learning outcomes are on low-end cognitive skills (factual and procedural knowledge), the more the learning activity can fit a self-directed learning approach (Morton et al, 2016; Toro-Troconis, 2015).

Phase II

The second phase in the application of the framework guides the design of learning activities for each of the learning outcomes identified previously, following the learning types suggested by Laurillard (2012): acquisition, enquiry, practice, production, discussion and collaboration.

Phase III

The final phase distributes the learning types throughout the week/topic following the 70:20:10 model (Jennings, 2013; Lombardo & Eichinger, 1996). According to the framework, on average, 10% of the time should be dedicated to acquisition, 20% of the time should be focused on discussion and collaboration and 70% of the time should focus on a combination of enquiry, practice and production activities (Morton, et al. 2016; CoDesignS, 2018).


All the activities suggested by the CoDesignS Framework are mapped to the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF), which means academics involved in the design of online/blended learning materials using the CoDesignS Framework can use their Learning Design interventions as evidence when applying for their HEA Fellowship.

CoDesignS Cards

The CoDesignS Framework can be easily applied by downloading and using the CoDesignS cards. The CoDesignS Framework and cards are freely available and licensed under: University of Liverpool CC BY-NC 4.0.

Find out more and download the different CoDesignS cards!

Online course

This online course freely available on Udemy explains in detail how CoDesignS works. You’ll learn all of the features of CoDesignS that allow you to design and deliver pedagogically sound online/blended courses/programmes.

Find out more about the CoDesignS: Learning Design in Practice course!



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